Office Relocation

Post date:

It is with great pleasure to inform you that as of 12th June 2017 we have relocated our Washington office to a more comfortable and spacious area. Our new location is North East Business Innovation Centre, Enterprise Park East, Sunderland SR5 2TA.  Our telephone number has changed to 0191 516 6500 and fax to 0191 516 6005, the primary email address is  Our new and improved location is just off the main A1231 Wessington Way with more convenient parking and riverside views.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions you may have concerning the new location or our services. We look forward to working with you from our new address. 

North East Business Innovation Centre, 

Enterprise Park East, 


SR5 2TA.

Tel: 0191 516 6500

Fax: 0191 516 6005


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